Image of Paralympian on Track and Field


LOS ANGELES – With strong bipartisan support in both the State Senate and Assembly, the California legislature has sent to the Governor AB-2747, a bill backed by the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games to provide in-state tuition eligibility for Olympians and Paralympians and elite Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls who train in California.


“This legislation sends an important message to athletes,” said LA28 Chief Athlete Officer and 5-time Olympic medalist Janet Evans. “Olympians and Paralympians are some of our greatest ambassadors to the world and we should support them both on and off the field of play. By providing a path for affordable education, we are recognizing the important work athletes put in to compete at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, while encouraging success outside the arena.”


Authored by Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian and sponsored by LA28, the bill offers Team USA athletes certified by the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee training in California for the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and other Olympic and Paralympic Games, classification for in-state college tuition, supporting long-term wellness and career transition for elite athletes.


“I am grateful to see AB 2747 make its way from the Legislature to the Governor with bipartisan, unanimous support,” said Assemblymember Nazarian. “As Chair of the Assembly Select Committee on the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games, I am proud to offer eligible Olympic and Paralympic athletes resident classification for tuition and fee purposes until the athlete has resided in the state the minimum time necessary to become a resident. This will ultimately deposit some of our nation’s most talented young people in California and make our great state the hub for both elevated education and Olympic-level training.” 


The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic National Governing Body Council, the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Athlete Advisory Council and the U.S. Olympians and Paralympians Association, which comprises Team USA alumni also endorsed the bill.


The LA28 Games will mark Los Angeles’ third time to host the Olympic Games – previously hosted in 1984 and 1932 – and first time to host the Paralympic Games. Los Angeles is expected to host more than 15,000 athletes in 2028 as it welcomes Paralympians and Olympians from around the world to compete on the biggest stage in sports.


The LA28 Games are independently operated by a privately funded, non-profit organization with revenue from corporate partners, licensing agreements, hospitality and ticketing programs and a significant contribution from the International Olympic Committee. Learn more at

